Empowering Our Nation’s Defenders
When lives are on the line, our military clients trust Metropole to deliver performance they can count on. Our devices securely transmit and receive critical data with the speed, reliability, and clarity required for mission success. Metropole’s expert engineers have been supporting our nation’s defenders with groundbreaking technologies for over forty years.
Metropole is committed to delivering outstanding quality products because we are aware of the stakes associated with their use. Every step of our manufacturing process from design to engineering to finalization is completed by our veteran team. This allows Metropole to deliver fully customized devices to meet our clients’ exact needs. We provide solutions that equip our military to communicate faster, farther and with more security and clarity.
Groundbreaking Technology Enables Mission Success
Our experienced engineers, agile production capabilities and rigorous in house testing allow Metropole to consistently deliver outstanding value, no matter the challenge. We are proud to supply innovative technologies that enable our military to stay ahead of the opposition with blazing fast communication, maintain reliable contact in hostile environments, and securely transmit sensitive data. Metropole’s technologies enable mission critical communication among a variety of aircraft and operators on the ground.
To learn more about how Metropole’s innovative components empower national defense with secure, reliable communication capabilities, contact us here, call (800) 659-2132 to discuss a custom solution or browse our product catalog.